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If you're needing a makeup applicator package for on the go useage, say in your purse, in your over night travel kit, or just need to restock your basic bits and brushes for everyday makeup use, then I suggest the N.Y.C touchup package. Granted, it's not the best touchup package that you'll ever find, but for on the go useage, especially if you don't wanna lug your expensive brushes and applicators in your purse or carry on, this is just the thing to take care of that problem.

The package comes with 6 pieces of everyday grooming items- Blush brush, eye brush, lip brush, lip brush XS, eye shadow applicator, and brow comb and brush. Of course, as you can see, you get a handly lil' plastic carry all for throwing this on the go set into your purse or carry on bag.

The pros for this product is that it's disposable. If it gets too dirty (because you don't want fungus growing in your brushes and applicators), you can throw it away and not be out anything by means of money, value, ect. This set would also be great for little girls who like to try on makeup as well.

The cons for this product is that it iswhat it is- cheap, small, disposable. The brushes are on small, short handles, HOWEVER, it will get the job done for touchups. I don't want to discredit the tiny package just yet. I tried it out- it does do a great job of touching up for on the go moments. I've tried it out in between college classes in the bathroom, as well as in the car, or in restaurants... works well for what it's made for.

Where: Wal*Mart, N.Y.C. Colors - VIEW PRODUCT HERE
How Much: $1.97
Rating: 3 Stars - It's OKAY.
Manufacturer: N.Y.C - New York Colors, A registered trademark of Coty US, LLC.

Extra Info: Great for on the go useage. Not intended for everyday makeup routines.


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